A Study on the Reasonable Selection of New Ward Office Building Site Using Analytic Hierarchy Process

AHP기법을 활용한 공공청사 신축 부지의 합리적인 선정에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2008.12.20


The purpose of this study is to present the rational decision process for new ward office building site. AHP Technique used in this study considers both quantitative and qualitative factors on the basis of decision maker's intuitive, reasonable or unreasonable judgement by giving weight through mutual comparision of publicity factors. The evaluaion factors were refer to another five ward office there were executed these kinds of new site selection before. These standards are composed of 6 middle groups and classified into 9 detailed standards. Alternative building sites are five places in this district. The final evauation standards are Accessibility, Urban Expansion Possibility. Distrct balance, Environment, Financing. Development easiness. And It became clear that the priority of evaluation is Financing > Urban expansion > Accessibility > Development easiness > District balance > Environment. In conclusion, it was determined that alternative " E " is the most adequate place for new ward office building.



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