유통업 종사자의 직무 스트레스에 관한 연구

A Study on Job Stress of Workers at Distribution Industry

  • 윤훈용 (동아대학교 산업경영공학과) ;
  • 박정주 (동아대학교 산업경영공학과)
  • Yoon, Hoon-Yong (Department of Industrial and Management Systems Engineering, Dong-A University) ;
  • Park, Jung-Ju (Department of Industrial and Management Systems Engineering, Dong-A University)
  • 발행 : 2008.12.31


The purpose of this study was to investigate the job stress factors that were related to the general characteristics, work characteristics, and health characteristics of the workers at distribution industry. The survey of job stress measurement scale for Korean employee which was developed by KOSHA and OSHRI in 2003 was used for this study. Three hundred and fifty workers at distribution industry participated in this study, and among them 326 responses were analyzed for this study due to the unreliability and insincerity of responses. Eight job stress factors like physical environment, self-control for the job, job unsecure, organization system, workplace culture, compensation for the job, relationship to the superior, and job requirement were analyzed. The results showed that the stress because of self control for the job was relatively higher than that of other industry workers. However, the stress because of physical environment, job requirement, job unsecure, organization system and compensation for the job was relatively lower than that of other industry workers. The female workers felt more stress than male workers in compensation for the job and workplace culture factors at distribution industry. The delivery and carrying job workers were more stressful than those of other jobs at distribution industry because of physical environments and self-control for the job. The non-regular job workers were more stressful than regular job workers in many stress factors like self-control for the job, job unsecure, organization system and compensation for the job.



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