Characteristics of Regional Distribution of Pollen Concentration in Korean Peninsula

한반도 지역에서 관측된 꽃가루 농도 특성에 관한 연구

  • Park, Ki-Jun (Meteorological Application Research Laboratory, National Institute of Meteorological Research, KMA) ;
  • Kim, Heon-Ae (Welfare Meteorology Division, Meteorological Industry and Information Technology Bureau, KMA) ;
  • Kim, Kyu-Rang (Meteorological Application Research Laboratory, National Institute of Meteorological Research, KMA) ;
  • Oh, Jae-Won (Departments of Pediatrics, Hanyang University College of Medicine) ;
  • Lee, Sun-Young (Meteorological Application Research Laboratory, National Institute of Meteorological Research, KMA) ;
  • Choi, Young-Jean (Meteorological Application Research Laboratory, National Institute of Meteorological Research, KMA)
  • 박기준 (국립기상연구소 응용기상연구과) ;
  • 김헌애 (기상청 생활안전기상과) ;
  • 김규랑 (국립기상연구소 응용기상연구과) ;
  • 오재원 (한양대학교 의과대학 소아과) ;
  • 이선영 (국립기상연구소 응용기상연구과) ;
  • 최영진 (국립기상연구소 응용기상연구과)
  • Published : 2008.12.30


Airborne pollen is known as one of the major causal agents to respiratory allergic reactions. Daily number of pollen grains was monitored using Burkard volumetric spore traps at seven locations including Seoul and Jeju during 1997-2007. Pollen grains were observed throughout the year especially from February to November. They showed similar distribution patterns of species among locations except in Jeju, where Japanese cedar vegetation is uniquely found. Peak seasons for pollen grains from trees and weeds were March to May and August to October, respectively. Tree pollens were mainly composed of pine, oak, alder, and birch. Weed pollens were mainly from Japanese hop, Worm wood, and ragweed. Diameter of pollen grains, which has a typical range of $20{\sim}60{\mu}m$, has close relationship with allergenicity. Allergenicity of tree and weed pollens is higher than that of grass pollens in general. In the case of trees and shrubs, pine trees account for about 70% of all tree pollens. However, pine pollens are weak allergens. The remaining 30% of tree pollens, including alder trees, white birches, and oaks, are moderate to strong allergens despite the smaller numbers. Grass and weeds are also highly likely to cause allergies. Especially, the pollens of Wormwood and Japanese hop are highly likely to cause allergies. Daily fluctuations in the number of pollens have to do with a variety of meteorological factors, such as temperature and rainfall.



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