Successful Treatment of Lupoid Cutaneous Leishmaniasis with Glucantime and Topical Trichloroacetic Acid (A Case Report)

  • Nilforoushzadeh, Mohamad Ali (Skin Diseases and Leishmaniasis Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences) ;
  • Sadeghian, Giti (Skin Diseases and Leishmaniasis Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences) ;
  • Jaffary, Fariba (Skin Diseases and Leishmaniasis Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences) ;
  • Ziaei, Hengameh (Medical School, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences) ;
  • Shirani-Bidabad, Liela (Skin Diseases and Leishmaniasis Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences) ;
  • Mahzoni, Parvin (Department of Pathology, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences)
  • 발행 : 2008.09.30


Lupoid leishmaniasis is a unique form of cutaneous leishmaniasis characterized by unusual clinical features and a chronic relapsing course, mostly caused by infection with Leishmania tropica. In this clinical form, 1-2 yr after healing of the acute lesion, new papules and nodules appear at the margin of the remaining scar. Herein, we describe a case of this clinical form that was resistant to 2 courses of treatments: systemic glucantime and then a combination therapy with allopurinol and systemic glucantime. However, marked improvement was seen after a combination therapy with topical trichloroacetic acid solution (50%) and systemic glucantime, and there were no signs of recurrence after 1 yr of follow-up.



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