산업안전보건경영 활동이 기업경영에 미치는 영향에 대한 실증적 연구

An Empirical Study on the Impact of the Activities in Industrial Safety & Health Management on Business Management

  • Lee, Baek-Hyun (Department of Industrial Engineering, Inha University) ;
  • Jung, Soo-Il (Department of Industrial Engineering, Inha University)
  • 발행 : 2008.09.30


In today's industrial society, one observes fierce competition aiming at profit generation among companies, and the utilization of complex machineries and cutting edge science and technology constitutes a constant threat to the life, body, and health of employees. In such a context, it is precisely the purpose of the Industrial Safety and Health Act that is in force to provide protection to the life and health of employees against hazardous and harmful environment and the role of enterprises becomes more and more important in the law. The Industrial Safety and Health Act places the responsibility for preventing industrial accidents on the shoulders of the business employer by providing safety and health information relating to current employees and creating an appropriate work environment. The employer must recognize the importance of prevention of industrial accident and must possess a business philosophy that places top priority on safety when it comes to company management. In light of such practical considerations, the present study approaches to find out the influence of safety and health management on business management from a statistical sample survey point of view. By doing this, the study hopes to show that a through safety management serves to protect the life and health of employees and raise profit for businesses. What is more, the study hopes to demonstrate that promoting a sound business culture can act as fertilizer that promotes the ushering in of a bright society.



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