현대 패션에 나타난 무채색과 유채색 코디네이션 특성 - 파리, 밀란, 뉴욕, 런던 컬렉션 중심으로 -

The Characteristics of Achromatic & Chromatic Color Coordination In Current Women's Fashion -Centered on the Collections of Paris, Milan, New York, London -

  • 권혜숙 (상명대학교 디자인 대학 의상 디자인)
  • Kwon, Hae-Sook (Dept. of Clothing and Textiles, Sang Myung University)
  • 발행 : 2008.09.30


The main objective of this research was to investigate the characteristics of achromatic & chromatic color coordination of contemporary female fashion by reviewing 'pre-a-porter Collections' of four collections (i. e. cities) - Paris, Milan, New York, London - from the periods of 2002 S/S to 2006/7 A/W. The data was collected by reviewing 'pre-a-porter Collections' magazine and total 677 observations were made. Statistical analysis of frequency and also qualitative interpretation of achromatic & chromatic color coordination characteristics were completed. The main findings were; (1) The achromatic & chromatic color coordination was identified as one of most used color coordination in contmeporary women's fashion collections. (2) Black and white mainly used for achromatic color, and brown used the most often, then followed by blue, red, yellow, green and the others for chromatic color in achromatic & chromatic coordination of contmeporary women's fashion collections. (3) The characteristics of achromatic & chromatic color coordination of modern women's fashion collections from 2002 S/S to 2006/07 A/W showed various images according to chromatic colors and tone variation. The combination of achromaticand brown color variations produced an intelligent and sophisticated image. The soft or light chromatic color and chromatic color combination projected soft, feminine and subtle feeling, while the combination of vivid or strong chromatic color and achromatic color projected a clean and strong feeling through contrasting tones of clear and bright colors. The chromatic color of deep or dark tone and black combination demonstrated supernatural and gloomy image. (4)In all four collections, Paris showed most use of two color coordination and then followed by Milan, N.Y, and London. N.Y showed higher rate of using achromatic & chromatic color coordination, and then followed by Paris, London and Milan.



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  45. Collection, 05 SS, III, Paris, p.70
  46. Collection, 05/06 AW, I, N.Y , p.43
  47. Collection, 02/03 AW, III, Paris, p.80
  48. Collection, 06/07 AW, III, Paris, p.180
  49. Collection, 05/06 AW,III, Paris, p.103
  50. Collection, 06 SS , II, Miilan, p. 167
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  52. Collection, 06 SS, III, Paris, p.117
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  54. Collection, 05 SS, III, Paris, p.37
  55. Collection, 05/06, AW, II, Miilan, p.224
  56. Collection, 05 SS, III, Paris, p.211
  57. Collection, 05 SS, I, NY, p.410
  58. Collection, 05 SS, III, Paris, p.219
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