π-Morphic Rings

  • Received : 2006.04.10
  • Published : 2007.09.23


An element $a$ in a ring R is called left morphic if $$R/Ra{\simeq_-}1(a)$$. A ring is called left morphic if every element is left morphic. In this paper, an element $a$ in a ring R is called left ${\pi}$-morphic (resp. left G-morphic) if there exists a positive number $n$ such that $a^n$ (resp. $a^n{\neq}0$) is left morphic. A ring R is called left ${\pi}$-morphic (resp. left G-morphic) if every element is left ${\pi}$-morphic (resp. left G-morphic). The Morita invariance of left ${\pi}$-morphic (resp. left G-morphic) rings is discussed. Several relevant properties are proved. In particular, it is shown that a left Noetherian ring R with $M_4(R)$ left G-morphic or $M_2(R)$ left morphic is QF. Some known results of left morphic rings are extended to left G-morphic rings and left ${\pi}$-morphic rings.



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