A Study on the Consciousness of Mortgage Loan and Related Factors of Prospective Home-Buying Households

주택구매예정가구의 모기지론에 대한 의식과 관련변인

  • 양세화 (울산대학교 주거환경학과) ;
  • 박현정 (울산대학교 주거환경학과)
  • Published : 2007.08.25


The study analyzed the consciousness of mortgage loan of the prospective home-buying households using self-administered questionnaire surveys. The sample of the survey was chosen by convenience sampling method to be 366 prospective home-buying households in Ulsan, with the households head's age being younger than 50. These are the results. First, approximately 80% of the respondents had plans to buy a house through self-support and loan. Second, the consciousness of mortgage loan was relatively low, but the willingness to use it was very high. Third, the need for mortgage loan was relatively high, especially the need for specialists to facilitate the information circulation. Lastly, the awareness and need for mortgage loan were significantly influenced by the family and housing characteristics of households including family life cycle stages, the structure of dwelling, tenure type and monthly household income. It is necessary to provide potential house buyers with appropriate education and information on housing financing, the change of interest rate, and the effects of various financing packages.



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