항만물류 서비스 품질 분석을 위한 DMQFD 모형의 개발

Development of DMQFD Model for Analysis of Port Logistics Service Quality

  • 송서일 (동아대학교 산업경영공학과) ;
  • 이보근 (동아대학교 산업경영공학과) ;
  • 정혜진 (동아대학교 산업경영공학과)
  • Song, Suh-Ill (Dept. of Industrial & Management Systems Engineering, Dong-A University) ;
  • Lee, Bo-Geun (Dept. of Industrial & Management Systems Engineering, Dong-A University) ;
  • Jung, Hey-Jin (Dept. of Industrial & Management Systems Engineering, Dong-A University)
  • 발행 : 2007.09.30


This study define the concepts of port logistics service by investigating various elements of port logistics service and grouping them in six attributes using a Data Mining technique. The QFD (Quality Function Deployment) technique is applied to measure the quality of port logistics service, and those results are analyzed. The DMQFD (Quality Function Deployment using Data Mining) model proposed in this study is a model for analyzing of port logistics service quality which is produced by combining those two stages. Using the DMQFD model, the requirements of customer could understand more correctly and systematically, and it could be an alternative tool to accomplish a customer satisfaction.



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