A Study on Hairdo Attitude and Hairdo Involvement

헤어 태도와 헤어 관여

  • Published : 2007.10.31


The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors of hairdo attitude and hairdo involvement, the differences in the hairdo involvement by hairdo attitude. The questionnaires were given to female residents in Seoul and Kyung-gi do during September to October 2006. 406 questionnaires were used for data analysis. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS 12.0 software such as factor analysis, Cronbach's alpha, ANOVA test and Duncan test. The results of this study were as follows: 1. The hairdo attitude factors were found to be 'leader's fashion conformity', 'distinct individuality', 'constancy', and 'consciousness of others' The hairdo involvement factors were found to be 'interests in hairdo', 'fashionableness', 'symbolic representation', 'risk awareness', and 'coordination of hairdo'. 2. As for the hairdo attitude, two groups were identified as the highly-oriented group and the lowly-oriented group. There were significant differences in all hairdo involvement factors depending on two groups. Highly-oriented groups of 'leader's fashion conformity' considered more about interests in hairdo, fashionableness, symbolic representation, and coordination of hairdo, except for risk awareness, signalling that the more people respond to leader's fashion, the higher they are involved with hairdo. Highly-oriented group of 'constancy' showed significant differences in fashionableness and risk awareness. Lower level of fashionableness but higher level of risk awareness than the lowly-oriented group. Highly-oriented group of 'consciousness of others' displayed high performance in all factors, implying that the more people respond to feedback and evaluation of others, the higher they are involved with hairdo.



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