A Study to Improve Service System through the Analysis of Needs and Problems of Community Welfare Center and Management Office in Permanent Rental Housing Complex

영구임대주택 단지 내 사회복지관과 관리사무소의 업무 및 운영실태 분석을 통한 서비스체게 개선방안

  • Published : 2007.10.31


Permanent rental housing which is entirely financed by the Government is welfare housing for those who fall within the lowest income bracket. This type of housing is intended for use as rental housing on a long-term basis. At present, there are about 190,000 permanent rental housing units in Korea. The purpose of this study is to suggest the implications to improve the management and welfare service system of permanent rental housing. For this, qualitative data were collected by using the in-depth interview with staffs of community welfare center and management office of five permanent rental housing complexes and two times of advisory committee meeting with housing and social welfare experts. To analyze the data gathered in this study, the constant comparative method of data analysis was used. Conflicts between the management office and social welfare center of permanent rental housing could be classified into two aspects; personal and operational. Main reasons for the conflicts between two institutions were identified such as attitude of management office staffs, lack of cooperation, current administrative system, lack of management resources such as space and operation cost, and so on. Based on the results, some implications including institutional support and social complementary cooperation were suggested for improvement of management and welfare service system for the residents of permanent rental housing.



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