The Effects of Employees' Gender Role Attitudes, Job Involvement, and Family Involvement on Work-Family Balance

기혼근로자의 성역할 태도와 일-가족 지향성이 일-가족 갈등/촉진 및 가족친화제도 이용에 미치는 영향

  • Han, Ji-Sook (Dept. of Family Studies, College of Human Ecology, Kyung Hee Univ.) ;
  • Yoo, Gye-Sook (Dept. of Family Studies, College of Human Ecology, Kyung Hee Univ.)
  • 한지숙 (경희대학교 생활과학대학 가족학) ;
  • 유계숙 (경희대학교 생활과학대학 가족학)
  • Published : 2007.10.31


This study examined the effects of employees' gender role attitudes, job involvement, and family involvement on their work-family conflicts, work-family facilitation, and utilization of family-friendly corporate policies. Data was collected from 377 full-time married workers from 262 large (more than 300 employees) and 100 small (fewer than 300 employees) private sector companies. The questionnaire's measurements were based on recommendations from the literature review. The questionnaire consisted of the gender role attitude scales, job and family involvement scales, work-family conflict and facilitation scales, and questions pertaining to the employee's utilization of family-friendly corporate policies. The SPSS 12.0 statistical package was used to analyze the collected data. The study found that employees showed more or less egalitarian gender role attitudes and that they were more involved in their family than their job. The employees' responses showed a low rate of utilizing family-friendly policies, but employees from large companies reported a higher utilization of family-friendly policies than those from small companies. There were also gender differences in employees' gender role attitudes, work and family involvement, and utilization of policies. Male workers held more traditional gender role attitudes, had higher levels of job involvement, and had higher rates of utilization of policies than female employees. Meanwhile, employees with children exhibited more traditional gender role attitudes and higher rates of utilization of policies than those without children. Finally, serial hierarchical regression analyses revealed that employees' more egalitarian gender role attitudes and higher job and family involvement predict higher work-family facilitation, while their gender role attitudes and job and family involvement have no significant influence on work-family conflicts. Also, employees from large companies with high job involvement will have significantly higher utilization rates of family-friendly corporate policies.



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