혼합배관 내의 열 경계층 이동으로 인한 고주기 온도요동에 관한 연구

A Study on High Cycle Temperature Fluctuation Caused by Thermal Striping in a Mixing Tee Pipe

  • 발행 : 2007.10.01


Fluid temperature fluctuations in a mixing tee pipe were numerically analyzed by LES model in order to clarify internal turbulent flows and to develope an evaluation method for high-cycle thermal fatigue. Hot and cold water with an temperature difference $40^{\circ}C$ were supplied to the mixing tee. Fluid temperature fluctuations in a mixing tee pipe is analysed by using the computational fluid dynamics code, FLUENT, Temperature fluctuations of the fluid and pipe wall measured as the velocity ratio of the flow in the branch pipe to that in the main pipe was varied from 0.05 to 5.0. The power spectrum method was used to evaluate the heat transfer coefficient. The fluid temperature characteristics were dependent on the velocity ratio, rather than the absolute value of the flow velocity. Large fluid temperature fluctuations were occurred near the mixing tee, and the fluctuation temperature frequency was random. The ratios of the measured heat transfer coefficient to that evaluated by Dittus-Boelter's empirical equation were independent of the velocity ratio, The multiplier ratios were about from 4 to 6.



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