압력잠김 및 열고착 현상 발생가능 밸브의 선정

Selection of Valves Susceptible to Pressure Locking and Thermal Binding

  • 이성노 (충남대학교 공과대학 기계공학부) ;
  • 안진근 (충남대학교 공과대학 기계공학부) ;
  • 김석범 (충남대학교 대학원 기계공학부)
  • 발행 : 2007.10.01


Some gate valves are susceptible to pressure locking and thermal binding which prevent the safety function. The safety related gate valves susceptible to pressure locking and thermal binding shall be identified and taken preventive actions to ensure the safety function. The identification of the gate valves susceptible to pressure locking and thermal binding needs the evaluation of system design, valve and piping arrangement, test requirements, and operating conditions. Application of preventive methods should consider the system safety function, applicability, effectiveness, interface with system design, and cost. The selection procedure of valves susceptible to pressure locking and thermal binding can be effectively used in industry including nuclear power plants. In order to prevent the pressure locking, the hole can be drilled through the one disc of upstream side or down stream and the external equalizing line can be installed from bonnet to downstream or upstream. The double disc parallel seat valve type can be used instead of flexible wedge gate valve to prevent the thermal binding. The identification of gate valves susceptible to pressure locking and thermal binding, and preventive actions will meet the regulatory requirements and enhance the availability and safety of plants.



  1. USNRC, 1990 - 19994, 'Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valve Testing and Surveillance' (Generic Letter No. 89-10), June 28, 1989 and Supplements 1 through 6
  2. USNRC, 1995, 'Pressure Locking and Thermal Binding of Safety-Related Power-Operated Gate Valves' (Generic Letter No. 95-07)
  3. 과학기술부 규제권고사항, 1997, '모터구동밸브 및 동력구동게이트 밸브의 안전성 확인을 위한 권고사항
  4. USNRC, 1993, 'Operating Experience Feedback Report-Pressure Locking And Thermal Binding of Gate Valves,' NUREG-1275, Vol. 9
  5. USNRC, 1993, 'Status of Motor-Operated Valve Performance Prediction Program by the Electric Power Research Institute' (Information Notice 93-88)
  6. R. Steele, et al, 1995, 'Gate Valve and Motor-Operated Research Findings,' NUREG/CR-6100
  7. Mark R. Holbrook, 1999, 'Motor-Operated Valve (MOV) Diagnostic Systems,' 제1회 MOV 설계 기준 안전성 평가기술 워크샾
  8. Tony Morris, 2000, 'Diagnosis Equipment Selection Methodology for Static and Dynamic Testing and Alternative Method,' 제2회 MOV 설계기준 안전성 평가기술 워크샾
  9. Bum-Nyun Kim, et al, 2000, 'Implementation Program and Technical Approach to the Regulatory Recommendation on Safety-Related MOV's in Korea,' NUREG/CP-0152, Vol. 3
  10. D. J. Shelton, 1994, 'Farley Project Desk Instruction for Engineering Guidance Used in FNP MOV Program (GL95-07 Screening Criteria Basis)