삼각망의 형상 변형

Shape Deformation of Triangular Net

  • 유동진 (대진대학교 컴퓨터응용 기계설계공학과)
  • 발행 : 2007.11.01


A new approach based on mean value coordinate combined with Laplacian coordinate is proposed for shape deformation of a large polygon model composed of triangular net. In the method, the spherical mean value coordinates for closed control meshes is introduced to describe a vertex in the triangle meshes to be deformed. Furthermore, the well known quardratic least square method for the Laplacian coordinates is employed in order to deform the control meshes. Because the mean value coordinates are continuous and smooth on the interior of control meshes, deforming operation of control meshes change the shape of polygon model while preserving the intrinsic surface detail. The effectiveness and validity of this novel approach was demonstrated by using it to deform large and complex polygon models with arbitrary topologies.



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