Effect of the Nylon and Cellulose Fiber Contents on the Mechanical Properties of the Concrete

나일론 및 셀룰로스 섬유 혼입률 변화가 콘크리트의 공학적 특성에 미치는 영향

  • Published : 2007.09.20


This study is to investigate the effects of nylon(NY) and cellulose(CEL) fiber contents on the mechanical properties of the concrete. The results were summarized as following. Test showed that increase of NY and CEL fiber contents decreased fluidity of fresh concrete, so the loss of the fluidity would be considered when they were over added. Air contents were slight increased, but they satisfied the target air content. Bleeding capacity of concrete containing fiber significantly was declined. In addition, concrete containing higher amounts of fiber retarded setting time remarkably. Plastic shrinkage crack was reduced with the use of fiber due to increasing fiber contents and changing fiber classes, and NY fibers to prevent the plastic shrinkage crack effectively. Compressive and tensile strength of almost specimens were increased when air contents of the fresh concrete were fixed according to fiber contents, and flexural strength was increased according to fiber contents. For the impact strength of specimens, the specimen containing $0.6kg/m^3$ of NY fibers, showed the most favorable impact strength, The fiber reinforced concrete using NY fibers exhibited superior mechanical performance, and it was considered that $0.6kg/m^3$ of was desirable as the most favorable adding amount.



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