복잡지형에서의 지표면 거칠기에 따른 오존 농도 수치모의

Air Quality Modeling of Ozone Concentration According to the Roughness Length on the Complex Terrain

  • Choi, Hyun-Jung (Department of Atmospheric Science, Pusun National University) ;
  • Lee, Hwa-Woon (Department of Atmospheric Science, Pusun National University) ;
  • Sung, Kyoung-Hee (Department of Atmospheric Science, Pusun National University)
  • 발행 : 2007.08.31


The objective of this work is the air quality modeling according to the practical roughness length using the building information as surface boundary conditions. As accurate wind and temperature field are required to produce realistic urban air quality modeling, comparative simulations by various roughness length are discussed. The prognostic meteorological fields and air quality field over complex areas of Seoul, Korea are generated by the PSU/NCAR mesoscale model (MM5) and the Third Generation Community Multi-scale Air Quality Modeling System (Models-3/CMAQ), respectively. The simulated $O_3$ concentration on complex terrain and their interactions with the weak synoptic flow had relatively strong effects by the roughness length. A comparison of the three meteorological fields of respective roughness length reveals substantial localized differences in surface temperature and wind folds. Under these conditions, the ascended mixing height and weakened wind speed at night which induced the stable boundary stronger, and the difference of simulated $O_3$ concentration is $2{\sim}6\;ppb$.



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