본 연구에서는 GSM1900 주파수 대역을 위한 이동통신 기지국용 Isohybrid를 개발함으로써 시스템의 효율을 증가시켰으며 제품의 소형화 및 안정된 특성을 구현하였다. 결과로서 각각 Chip coupler type과 Hybrid coupler type의 Isohybrid transmitter combiner를 설계 및 제작하였고 Insertion loss는 Chip coupler type Isohybrid의 경우에 $3.29\;dB{\sim}3.47\;dB$로 측정되었으며 Hybrid coupler type의 경우에는 $3.17\;dB{\sim}3.42\;dB$로 측정되어 3.5 dB 미만을 만족하였다. ANT단과 Port단 사이의 Isolation은 Chip coupler type Isohybrid의 경우에 $24.23\;dB{\sim}29.98\;dB$로 측정되었으며 Hybrid coupler type의 경우에는 $26.28\;dB{\sim}36.91\;dB$로 측정되어 23 dB 이상의 우수한 특성을 확인하였다.
Total efficiency of transmitter system was improved by developing combinational 2-Way Isohybrid for GSM1900 base station in this paper. The size of product was decreased and the characteristics were stabilized. The isohybrid transmitter combiner of chip coupler type and hybrid coupler type were designed and fabricated. Insertion loss for chip coupler type isohybrid was $3.17\;dB{\sim}3.47\;dB$. On the other hand, insertion loss for hybrid coupler type was $3.17\;dB{\sim}3.42\;dB$. Isolations between ANT and port were $24.23\;dB{\sim}29.98\;dB$ in case of chip coupler type Isohybrid and were $26.28\;dB{\sim}36.91\;dB$ in case of hybrid coupler type, respectively.