The Child Care Teacher's and Mother's Recognition and Need about Child Counseling and Therapy

아동상담에 대한 보육교사와 유아기 어머니의 인식 및 요구

  • 문수경 (목포대학교 아동학과) ;
  • 이무영 (광신대학교 사회복지학과) ;
  • 박상희 (광신대학교 유아교육과)
  • Published : 2007.08.31


The present study was to investigate child care teather's and parents's recognition and need about child counseling and to analyse differences between them. The subjects for this study were 244 child care teachers and 260 mothers of the day care centers. The major finding were as follows; Most child care teachers are aware of child counseling through lecture, pre-service education, and internet. Most mothers hear about child counseling through internet. They think that child counseling is very effective for young children, especially for negative experience and emotion. Most child care teachers think that they can administer child counseling. especially daycare centers. But mothers think that special facilities is the most appropriate place by child counseling. Child care teachers and mothers regard the credibility of human being as personal characteristics required for child counseling. Counseling specialists are to be the most appropriate person for followed by child care teather's and parents. And they think that special training is needed for child counseling. but few of them receive special training. They perceive the necessity of professional education in child counseling. but they rarely experience related education of child counseling. Especially, they feel lack of time and information. They also want to apply to child counseling children education after learning it through counseling association or by observing real situations in child counseling center using morning time or during weekends. Most mothers and child care teachers know play therapy, art therapy. bibliotherapy, sand play therapy.



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