일본 고령자복합시설과 데이서비스센터의 복합유형에 관한 연구

A Study on Types of Multi-Functional Welfare Facilities and Day Service Centers for the Elderly in Japan

  • 박혜선 (인하공업전문대학 건축과) ;
  • 오은진 ((사)준명복지재단 노인환경연구소)
  • 발행 : 2007.08.31


Due to the shortage of elderly care services in urban areas, multi-functional welfare facilities are proven to be very effective for delivering various service needs of elderly in Japan. Introduction of new longterm care policy for elderly in Korea would change many aspects of elderly care service facilities. Especially elderly home care services like adult daycare centers will expand drastically after beginning of elderly longterm care insurance. The purpose of this research is to study and analyze multi-functional welfare facilities in Japan focusing on the types of day service in those facilities. Planning of daycare centers in multi-functional welfare facilities for the elderly can be classified to 8 types. Those types are daycare centers with senior housing, longterm care insurance facilities, senior centers, small multi-function facility, medical facilities, educational facilities, community facilities and general housing projects. Each type has different benefits for the networking of services for the elderly. Design of daycare centers in multi-functional welfare facilities have distinctive features in entrance and user approach, space allocation and circulation planning. The study of daycare centers and multi-function planning should be followed to make better home care environments for the elderly in Korea.



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