실내건축의 욕망유형을 통한 욕망구조 특성에 관한 연구 -라깡의 욕망이론을 중심으로-

A Study on the Desire Structure through the Desire Type of Interior Architecture -Focus on the Lacan's Desire-theory-

  • 발행 : 2007.08.31


`Desire` in this study is not something desire in the used to be-way we can deal with it. This study is to figure out 'desire structure' of interior architecture as a significant measure to interpret the Lacan's desire theory. It is also examines Lacan's concept of desire as defined in the mechanisms of language, in relation to architecture and interior architecture, and in the concept of the objet a(the unattainable object of desire), in the structure of desire as it can be seen in interior architecture. In particular, it analyzed that the desire structure have influenced on some kind of specific desire types what is expressed a characteristic to interior spaces of intimacy, perpetuity, representation, expression. These types reveal the characteristics of desire structure in inner space of interior architecture through negativing and fantasying. The focus on the structure becomes a major issue in almost many kinds of contemporary knowledge-system that starts from the mind to go out to the space in a material or non-meterial(spiritual) way. Therefore, the desire structure reconstructs the Real to make itself through negative and fantastic creation-process. It is important that desire characteristics help detect behind beneath the singularity of interior spaces more than what we know.



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