A Factor-cluster Benefit Segmentation of Potential Users on Allotment Garden with Log House

농촌지역사회 활성화를 위한 체재형 가족농원 육성방안 : 시장세분화 접근

  • 이민수 (농촌진흥청 농촌자원개발연구소) ;
  • 박덕병 (농촌진흥청 농촌자원개발연구소) ;
  • 채종현 (서울대학교 지역사회개발)
  • Published : 2007.06.30


Allotment gardens with log house in rural area as a rural growth tool are able to adapt to current market mechanisms by communication and promotion techniques. It is important to know what and how allotment garden's users seek their benefits to market segmentations. The primary purpose of this study was to segment and profile the benefits of allotment garden's potential users so as to provide a better understanding of allotment garden in Korea. A self-administered survey was obtained from 298 allotment gardens users in the study area. Four distinct segments were identified based on the benefits; relaxer(23.7%), educator(21.9%), want-it-all gardener(42.3%), and grower(12.2%), and these were profiled with respect to socio-demographics and civic garden-related features. We suggest that the relaxers are target market of allotment gardens with log house because they have willingly intented to pay a higher rent.



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