공동주택 가격요인의 특성에 관한 연구

A Study on The Characteristics of The Price Factors in Apartment Houses

  • 발행 : 2007.04.25


Under the premise that the housing market is not fixed, but changes organically according to social and systematic environment, it has important meaning as the object of this study to identify the recent housing market's movement by deducing the changed characteristics of the factors to compose the recent new houses. By using the following methodology, this study analyzed the characteristics and mutual relations of the economical and house-composing factors, categorized the investigation object into sub-markets, and executed comparative analysis. First, based on the leading studies analyzing the factors of house price determination and the assessment indicators of 'Green Building Certification Program', the composing factors are deduced. Second, the factors are categorized as economic, housing complex planning and geographical condition. Third, to identify the influence of housing environmental factors on economic factors, the correlation between the former and the latter, and the difference between economic factors are analyzed. Fourth, by segmenting and categorizing the housing market into time and location subgroups, the chronicle trend and the geographical characteristics are analyzed.



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