창업자 특성과 소기업 사업성과 간 관계에 관한 연구

A Study on the Relationship Between Entrepreneur Characteristics and the Performance of Small Firms

  • 발행 : 2007.09.30


본 연구는 창업자의 배경적 특성(창업자의 학력, 창업관련 강좌의 수강이나 상담 경험, 과거 창업 경험), 창업자의 심리적 특성(성취욕구, 위험감수성향, 모호함에 대한 인내력 수준, 통제위치), 창업자의 관리적 역량(창업자의 관리적 능력, 기업가적 능력, 기술적 기능적 능력만이 소기업의 재무적 성과에 정의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 반면, 창업자의 학력, 창업경험, 성취욕구, 위험감수성향, 통제위치, 창업자의 관리적 능력, 창업자의 기업가적 능력, 창업자의 제품서비스 혁신차별화 전략 성향, 마케팅 차별화 전략 성향, 비용우위 전략 성향은 소기업의 비재무적 성과에 정의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다.

This study alms to analyze the entrepreneur characteristics of founder on enterprise performance from the strategic viewpoint as well as features of founder of small firms such as background feature of founder, psychological features and management skill. As considered by Background features of founder include educational background of founder, his experience in business creation, consultation or course related to business creation. This study verified the effects of factor which business performance (financial, non financial) on small firms. Also, this study considered psychological features of founder include achievement desire, risk-free propensity, level of patience on vagueness and control position. And it analyzed that between such factors and performance of small firms were examined in related. In the mean time, management ability of founder, entrepreneur ability, technical and function ability were considered for management skill of founder and alalyzed effect of the factors on performance of small firm were examined. Effects of strategic intention of founder of small firm were analyzed by the strategic viewpoint. At this time, strategy of small firm was divided into product-service reform differentiation strategy, marketing differentiation strategy and cost leadership strategy. This study distributed questionnaire on CEO of small firms in Daejeon and Chungnam area for accomplish the study objective and it collected a total of 145 copies of questionnaires. As a result of analyzing collected questionnaire, this study deduced the following study results and suggestions. First, results different from those of existing studies were found Since sales, net income and profit rate of small firm were not high cause economic depression on the whole. Second, entrepreneur ability was found to be required for success of business creation. Entrepreneur ability of founder was the factor that affects both financial and non - financial performance of small firm. As such, entrepreneur ability can be regarded as the most important factor for success in business creation of small firm. Accordingly, entrepreneur ability is the most important source for success in business creation of small firm. Third, strategy of small firm was found to be the important factor that affects the non-financial performance even if it could not give significant effects on financial performance. Thus, product service reform differentiation strategy, marketing differentiation strategy and cost leadership strategy have significant effects on non - financial performance of small firm. Accordingly, it is required to operate small firm with strategic mind - set for small firm to achieve success. This study analyzed the effects of feature of founder and strategy of small firm on business performance of small firm through practical analysis on small firms in Daejeon and Chungnam area, and deduced meaningful results. However, Since this study collected data on small firms in Daejeon and Chungnam only, there is a limit in generalizing the results of this study to all small firms in Korea. Companies answering to this questionnaire process were mainly wholesale and retail service companies. In addition, there is a limit in that it failed to analyze feature of representative type of industry due to limit in number of sample, it is required to divide representative type of industry and to compare and analyze types of industry in future studies.
