3T에서 뇌 운동피질의 기능적 자기공명영상 연구 : Gradient-Echo와 Spin-Echo EPI의 비교

Functional MR Imaging of Cerebral Motor Cortex on 3 Tesla MR Imaging : Comparison between Gradient and Spin-Echo EPI Techniques

  • 구은회 (서울대학교병원 영상의학과) ;
  • 장혜원 (주성대학 방사선과) ;
  • 정환 (데이터허브(주))
  • 발행 : 2007.12.30


To evaluate the accuracy and extent in the localization of cerebral motor coutex activation using a gradient- echo echo planar imaging(GE-EPI) compared to spin-echo echo planar iimaging(SE-EPI) on 3T MR imaging. Functional MR imaging of cerebral motor cortex activation was examined in GE-EPI and SE-EPI in five healthy male volunteers. A right finger movement was accomplished with a paradigm of 6 task and rest, periods and the cross-correlation was used for a statistical mapping algorithm. We evaluated any sorts of differenced of the time seried and the signal intensity changes between the rest and task periods obtained with two technoques. The qualitative analysis was distributed with activation sites of large veins and small veins by using two techniques and was found that both the techniques were clinically uesful for delineating large veins and small veins in fMRL Signal intensity charge of the rest and activation periods provided simmilar activations in both methods(GE-EPI : 0.93$\pm$0.11, SE-EPI : 0.80$\pm$.015) but the signal intensity in GE-EPI(133.95$\pm$15.76) was larger than in SE-EPI(74.5$\pm$18.90). The average SNRs of EPI raw data were higher at SMA in SE-EPI(48.54$\pm$12.37) than GE-EPI(41.4$\pm$12.54) and at M1 in SE-EPI(43.24$\pm$11.77) than GE-EPI(38.27$\pm$6.53). The localization of activation voxels of the GE-EPI showed a larger vein but the SE-EPI generally showed small vein. Then the analysis results of the two techniques were used for a statistacal paired student t-test. SE-EPI was found clinically useful for localizing the cerebral moter cortex cativation on 3.0T, but showed a little different activation patterns comparad to GE-EPI. In conclusion, SE-EPI may be feasible and can detect true cortical activation from capillaries and GE-EPI can obtain the large veins in the motor cortex activation on 3T MR imaging.
