Maintenance Staff Scheduling at Afam Power Station

  • Alfares, H.K. (Mechanical Engineering Department King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals) ;
  • Lilly, M.T. (Mechanical Engineering Department Rivers State University of Science and Technology) ;
  • Emovon, I. (Mechanical Engineering Department Rivers State University of Science and Technology)
  • Published : 2007.06.30


This paper describes the optimization of maintenance workforce scheduling at Afam power station in Nigeria. The objective is to determine the optimum schedule to satisfy growing maintenance labour requirements with minimum cost and highest efficiency. Three alternative maintenance workforce schedules are compared. The first alternative is to continue with the traditional five-day workweek schedule currently being practiced by Afam power station maintenance line. The second alternative is to switch to a seven-day workweek schedule for the morning shift only. The third alternative is to use a seven-day workweek schedule for all three work shifts. The third alternative is chosen, as it is expected to save 11% of the maintenance labour cost.



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