Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration (간호행정학회지)
- Volume 13 Issue 3
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- Pages.285-292
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- 2007
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- 1225-9330(pISSN)
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- 2288-4955(eISSN)
A Correlation Study on Nursing Professional Values, Department Satisfaction, Sociality, Self-Esteem among Nursing Students
간호학생의 간호전문직관과 전공만족, 사회성, 자아존중감간의 관계
- Yeun, Eun-Ja (Department of Nursing, Konkuk University) ;
- Kwon, Young-Mi (Department of Nursing, Kyungin Women's College)
- Published : 2007.09.30
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the factors influencing the nursing professional values(NPV) of college nursing students. Methods: A convenience sample of 274 subjects was recruited from the department of nursing at a college. The survey was conducted from May 29 to Jun 20 2006. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficients, and stepwise multiple regression with SPSS/WIN 10.1. Results: The average item score of NPV, satisfaction, socialization, self-esteem were 3.60, 3.00, 2.74, and 2.71. The NPV of nursing students showed a significantly positive correlation to speciality satisfaction(r=.28-.46), socialization(r=.13-.46), and self-esteem(r=.12-.15). The significant factors influencing NPV of nursing students were service, curriculum satisfaction, social perception satisfaction, leadership & popularity, and sociability, which explained about 37.5%. Conclusions: Therefore, on the basis of this study's result, when nursing educational programs are developed to make positive NPV, these factors need to be considered.