자속밀도 파형제어에 의한 토로이달 벌크 전기강의 자기특성 측정

Experimental Measurement of Magnetic Properties of a Toroidal-type Bulk Electrical Steel using B-waveform Control

  • 음영환 (충북대 전기공학과) ;
  • 고창섭 (충북대 전기전자컴퓨터 공학부) ;
  • 홍선기 (호서대 전기정보통신공학부) ;
  • 신판석 (홍익대 전기전자컴퓨터 공학부)
  • 발행 : 2007.05.01


Magnetic properties of electrical steel are, in general. measured by using Epstein frame or single sheet tester (SST). These methods, however, require very strict regulation of a specimen in its size and shape. thus, can not be easily applied to various types of specimen. On the other hand, a ring-test method, which measures only the isotropic properties, can be easily applied to most cases because it requires a toroidal-type specimen of arbitrary size. This method, especially, is considered as an unique available method for a bulk-type specimen. In this paper, a ring-test method is developed, and applied to the measurement of magnetic properties of a bulk-type electrical steel with a toroidal-type specimen. In the measurement, the magnetic properties and iron losses are measured and compared with each other at the both sinusoidal magnetic flux density and sinusoidal magnetic field intensity conditions under 0.2Hz and 60Hz alternating magnetic fields excitation. Through experimental measurements, a sinusoidal magnetic flux density condition is proven appropriate for the measurement of magnetic properties, including iron loss characteristics, of electrical steels.



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