A Case Study on the Application of intelligent Skin Technology Introduced in Environment-Friendly Housing

환경 친화형 주거 건축에 도입된 인텔리전트 외피 기술의 적용에 관한 사례 조사 연구

  • Published : 2007.06.25


Since the Intelligent Building was first introduced in early 1980s, It has been studied and designed by related technical experts as it was called by the name of intelligent Building, High-tech Intelligence Building, High-capacity Building, Intellectual Building, etc. Despite the need for new concept as the relation between global environment and architecture has become an issue on a full scale since 1990s and with the development of high technology, former concept is maintained without modification or complement. Especially, attempt to combine industrial technology with architecture is essential to Intelligent Building, therefore frequent opportunity of self-innovation according to the development of technology is necessary. Due to the rarity of the high-technology and its high cost, it was adopted to large-scale construction, however, nowadays, almost all kinds of buildings are getting designed with intelligent-technology. Therefore we can expect that this trend will be accelerated by evolution of technology and will position as a major stream of future architecture along with environment-friendly architecture. Through this process, we should fully be aware of the importance of the several intelligent skin technology to protect global environment and to set future direction in architecture.



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  2. Valerio Travi (1999), Advanced Technologies Birkhauser
  3. Catherine Slessor (2001), Eco-Tech, Thames & Hudson
  4. Norbert Lechner (2001), Heating, Cooling, Lighting-Design Methods for Architects, John Wiley & Sons
  5. B. Stein & J. S. Reynolds (2000), Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings, John Wiley & Sons
  6. Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi (1999), Hyper Architecture-Spaces in the Electronic Age, Birkhauser
  7. Michael Wigginton & Jude Harris (2003), Intelligent Skins, Elservier
  8. Klaus Daniels (1995), The Technology of Ecological Building, Birkhauser
  9. Christian Schittich (2001), Building Skins, Birkhauser
  10. 이경회.임수영(2005.8), 친환경건축개론, 기문당, 2판