유우의 산유능력 검정성적과 MUN 농도와의 비교분석

Relationships between Milk Urea Nitrogen Concentration and Milk Components for Herd Management and Control in Gyeong-nam Dairy Cows

  • 유용상 (경상대학교 수의과대학 (동물의학 연구소)) ;
  • 강동준 (건국대학교 수의과대학) ;
  • 김철호 (경상남도 축산진흥연구소) ;
  • 김태융 (농림부 가축방역과) ;
  • 강정부 (경상대학교 수의과대학 (동물의학 연구소))
  • You, Yong-Sang (College of Veterinary Medicine (The Institute of Animal Medicine), Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Kang, Dong-Joon (College of Veterinary Medicine, Konkuk University) ;
  • Kim, Cheol-Ho (Livestock Promotion Institute, Gyeongsangnamdo) ;
  • Kim, Tae-Yung (Animal Health Division, Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry) ;
  • Kang, Chung-Boo (College of Veterinary Medicine (The Institute of Animal Medicine), Gyeongsang National University)
  • 발행 : 2007.06.30


Milk components analysis was carried out milk yield(MY), milk fat(MF), milk protein(MP), milk urea nitrogen(MUN), milk solid(MS), day of non-pregnant condition(DNPC), and days of primipara(DPRI) involved. Dairy farms were divided high, middle and low groups according to the standard records for milk components. Examination records were divided by farm, parity, year, season and month, the number of samples were 28,957. MUN concentration was below 12 mg and when the MPP was below 3.0%, the days of non-pregnant condition were $94{\pm}10.77$ days but concentration of MUN was under 12 mg and when MPP was above 3.2%, longer period of non-pregnant condtion of $181.3{\pm}9.25$ was noted. The days of gestation of the first calving cow was $495.9{\pm}9.04$ days when the concentration of MUN was below 12mg/dl and MPP was under 3.0%. If the concentration of MUN was 12 mg/dl and when the MPP was over 3.2%, the days of gestation were $511.0{\pm}8.36$ days. It was believed that the concentrations of MPP and MUN have significant effects on the days of non-pregnant condition and the days of gestation. Determination of MY, MF, MS, and MUN was Milkoscan $4,000{\sim}5,000$ Serier(FOSS Electric Co., Copenhagen, Denmark). MUN standard concentration was 12-18(mg/dl) similar to blood urea nitrogen(BUN). Mutual relationship of milk components(MF, SCC, MY, DNPC, MS) and MUN concentration was low in regression analysis.



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