$Br{\aa}nemark$ 임플랜트의 10년 후향적 임상연구


  • 배정윤 (고려대학교의료원 구로병원 보철과) ;
  • 신상완 (고려대학교의료원 구로병원 보철과) ;
  • 조현정 (고려대학교의료원 구로병원 보철과) ;
  • 김영수 (고려대학교의료원 구로병원 예방치과)
  • Bae, Jung-Yoon (Department of Prosthodontics, Guro Hospital, Korea University Medical Center) ;
  • Shin, Sang-Wan (Department of Prosthodontics, Guro Hospital, Korea University Medical Center) ;
  • Cho, Hyun-Jung (Department of Prosthodontics, Guro Hospital, Korea University Medical Center) ;
  • Kim, Young-Soo (Department of Preventive Dentistry, Guro Hospital, Korea University Medical Center)
  • 발행 : 2007.02.28


Statement of problems: There are few studies which reported the survival rates of the specific dental implant systems in the Korean population with the follow-up periods longer than 5 years. Purpose: This retrospective clinical study was aimed to evaluate cumulative survival rate (CSR) of $Br{\aa}nemark$ implants followed for 10 years and to determine risk factors for implant failure. Material and methods: A total of 271 $Br{\aa}nemark$ implants in 83 patients were investigated with several identified risk factors. Life table analysis was undertaken to examine the CSR. Cox regression method was conducted to assess the association between potential risk factors and overall CSR. Results: Thirty implants failed. The 10-year implant CSR was 82.5%. Cox regression analysis demonstrated a significant predictive association between overall CSR and implant length (P<.05). Conclusion: An acceptable long-term result of $Br{\aa}nemark$ implant was achieved and implant length showed a significant association with the CSR.



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