디지털 제품 관련 소비자 스트레스에 관한 연구

Digital Stress of Consumers in Using Digital Goods

  • 김정은 (서울대학교 소비자학과) ;
  • 여정성 (서울대학교 소비자학과)
  • 발행 : 2007.06.29


The purpose of this study is to find out the level of digital stress that people experience and to investigate the effects of socio-economic variables on that. To collect data, structured questionnaire was developed and 1,200 questionnaires were distributed through internet. There were 2 dimensions in this study to examine digital stress. First dimension was about the devices themselves: computers and the other digital goods. Second dimension was about the time digital stress occurring in consumers' decision-making process: purchasing and using. Based on Yeo&Kim(2004), sub-dimensions of purchasing and using aspects were chosen. 5 sub-dimensions in purchasing side were new technology, cost, variety of alternatives, warranty service, and informational problem 6 sub-dimensions in using field were mal(or impaired)-functioning. physical aspects, immaturity in use, pressure to use, addiction to use, and informational problem. As independent variables, sex, age, educational level, digitalization acceptability and computer usability were used. The overall level of digital stress was around the average point which was not as high as expected. Digital stress of purchasing was higher than that of using. First, in purchasing aspects, the level of digital stress was relatively high in cost, variety of alternatives and warranty service. Hence, clear communications with consumers about the distinctive aspects and cost of digital devices in market are needed. Secondly, in using side, mal-functioning and physical aspects were relatively more powerful stressors. In the other words, the more serious problems were not from the characteristics of individual consumers but from those of products. Producers should put their best efforts to reduce imperfection (defectiveness) and develop user-friendly digital devices. Also, users' individual efforts to overcome the problems that can be solved privately are necessary. Finally, it was discovered that sex and computer usability were very important variables on digital stress. To extend computer usability of consumers and get over digital illiteracy, it is essential to expand the paths to give chances for people to contact with computers and other digital goods. Still there are lots of people whore computer-illiterate or low-skilled at computers. In policies or educational programs made by government, communities, or schools, more attention should be paid to the digitally vulnerable groups.



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