Diversity of Halophilic Archaea From Six Hypersaline Environments in Turkey

  • Ozcan, Birgul (Mustafa Kemal University, Sciences and Letters Faculty, Department of Biology) ;
  • Ozcengiz, Gulay (METU, Department of Biological Sciences) ;
  • Coleri, Arzu (Ankara University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology) ;
  • Cokmus, Cumhur (Ankara University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology)
  • 발행 : 2007.06.30


The diversity of archaeal strains from six hypersaline environments in Turkey was analyzed by comparing their phenotypic characteristics and 16S rDNA sequences. Thirty-three isolates were characterized in terms of their phenotypic properties including morphological and biochemical characteristics, susceptibility to different antibiotics, and total lipid and plasmid contents, and finally compared by 16S rDNA gene sequences. The results showed that all isolates belong to the family Halobacteriaceae. Phylogenetic analyses using approximately 1,388 bp comparisions of 16S rDNA sequences demonstrated that all isolates clustered closely to species belonging to 9 genera, namely Halorubrum (8 isolates), Natrinema (5 isolates), Haloarcula (4 isolates), Natronococcus (4 isolates), Natrialba (4 isolates), Haloferax (3 isolates), Haloterrigena (3 isolates), Halalkalicoccus (1 isolate), and Halomicrobium (1 isolate). The results revealed a high diversity among the isolated halophilic strains and indicated that some of these strains constitute new taxa of extremely halophilic archaea.



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