산소 결함형 $TiO_2$ 분말의 가시광에 대한 광촉매 활성

Photocatalytic Activity of $TiO_2$ Powder with an Oxygen Deficiency in the Visible-Light Region

  • 양천회 (한밭대학교 공과대학 화학공학과)
  • Yang, Chun-Hoe (Department of Chemical Engineering, Hanbat National University)
  • 발행 : 2007.03.31


It prepared the $TiO_2$ powder which has photo-catalytic activity in the visible-light by the wet process with titanium oxysulfate. The titanium $dioxide(TiO_2)$ by the wet process creates a new absorption band in the visible light region, and is expected to create photocatalytic activity in this region. Anatase $TiO_2$ powder which has photocatalytic activity in the visible light region, is treated using microwave and radio-frequency(RF) plasma. But, the $TiO_2$ powder for the visible light region, which also can be easily produced by wet process. The wet process $TiO_2$ absorbed visible light between 400nm and 600nm, and showed a high activity in this region, as measured by the oxidation removal of aceton from the gas phase. The AH-380 sample appears the yellow color to be strong, the catalytic activity in the visible ray was excellent in comparison with the plasma-treated $TiO_2$. The AH-380 $TiO_2$ powder, which can be easily produced on a large scale, is expected to have higher efficiency in utilizing solar energy than the plasma-treated $TiO_2$ powder.



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