유아교육기관 실외놀이 시설 설비 실태와 안전평가에 관한 연구

A Study on Actual Conditions of Outdoor Facilities Safety in Kindergarten Playground

  • 발행 : 2007.12.30


This study examined the actual conditions of outdoor facilities and evaluated safety evaluations levels in playgrounds based on types of kindergartens. The samples for the survey were 100 kindergartens in Seongnam city Gyeonggi-Do province. Most outdoor facilities consisted of playgrounds with sand area and complex playing equipments, while wood-working area, sensory playing area, and mud playing area were less equipped than other facilities. In the case of outdoor playing facilities there were meaningful environmental differences within kindergartens. The public has less diversity in play areas and equipments and providing safety guidelines in playgrounds than privates. The score for the safety evaluations in the outdoor play environment was higher than average. As the range outdoor playing facilities increased, safety was dually considered, while kindergartens with a higher ratio of child-teacher numbers exhibited less consideration to playground safety.



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