기술에 대한 소비 감정, 태도와 구매행동 및 대응전략 연구-하이테크제품을 중심으로

A Study of Consumption Emotions of Technology, Consumer Attitude, Purchasing Behavior and Coping Strategy Associated with High-tech Products

  • You, So-Ye (Division of business administration, Chonbuk National University)
  • 발행 : 2007.08.30


The purposes of this study were to explain consumer attitude and purchasing behavior, and coping strategy considering consumption emotions of technology and individual characteristics associated with high-tech products. The results of this study were as follows: consumer attitude was found to be somewhat favorable and a half of the respondents had some purchasing experience of high-tech products. Many consumers were more likely to perceive consumption emotion and some of coping strategies were found to be preferred to others. Then consumer attitude was found to be significantly influenced by some of the consumption emotion, while other individual characteristics were found to be insignificant. In addition, the purchasing experience was found to be significantly influenced by consumer attitude, marital status and education. Finally, each kind of consumption emotion might have a relation to several coping strategies.



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