아동의 정서조절능력 및 자기유능성지각과 문제행동

Relationships Between Children's Emotional Regulation, Perceived Self-Competence and Behavior Problem

  • 정현희 (동의대학교 보육.가정상담학과) ;
  • 정순화 (고려대학교 교육대학원)
  • 발행 : 2007.08.30


The purpose of the study was to examine the relationships between children's emotional regulation, perceived self-competence and behavior problem. The subjects were 357 elementary school students in Busan. The questionnaires on children's emotional regulation, perceived self-competence and behavior problem were used. The results were as follows: (1) According to sex, there were significant differences in children's emotional regulation scores(venting and support pursuit), and according to birth order, there were significant differences in children's perceived self-competence scores and behavior problem scores. (2) There were significant correlations between children's emotional regulation scores and behavior problem scores, and also there were significant correlations between children's perceived self-competence scores and behavior problem scores. (3) Children's perceived self-competence and emotional regulation explained children's anxiety behavior, withdrawal behavior, aggressive behavior, distracted behavior and regressive behavior.



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