Teacher Efficacy as an Affective Affiliate of Pedagogical Content Knowledge

  • Park, Soon-Hye (Department of Teaching and Learning, University of Iowa)
  • Published : 2007.11.30


Whether This paper argues that teacher efficacy is an affective affiliate of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) based on empirical data of a study on the nature and construct of PCK. This study was a collective case study utilizing qualitative research methods. The participants of the study were three high school science teachers in the U.S. Data was collected from multiple sources such as classroom observation, interviews, teachers' written reflection, students' work samples, and researchers' field notes. Data was analyzed using the "In-depth Analysis of Explicit PCK" developed by the author. Data analysis indicated that teacher efficacy played a critical role in developing PCK by facilitating the movement from PCK to the enactment of PCK.



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