Development of the Scientific Inquiry Process Model Based on Scientists' Practical Work

  • Published : 2007.11.30


The purpose of this study was to develop a scientific inquiry model that makes scientific inquiry accessible to science teachers as well as students. To develop a scientific inquiry model, we investigated the research process demonstrated by ten scientists who were working at academic research institutions or industrial research institutions. We collected data through scientists' journal articles, lab meetings and seminars, and observation of their inquiry process. After we analyzed the scientists' inquiry strategies and processes of inquiry, we finally developed the Scientist's Methodology of Investigation Process model named SMIP. The SMIP model consists of four domains, 15 stages, and link questions, such as "if, why", and "how". The SMIP model stressed that inquiry process is a selective process rather than a linear or a circular process. Overall, these findings can have implication science educators in their attempt to design instruction to improve the scientific inquiry process.



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