방사선과 학생의 직업가치관 유형에 관한 연구

A Study on the Types of Work Values of Radiologic Technology Students

  • 김학성 (동남보건대학 방사선과)
  • Kim, Hark-Sung (Dept. of Radiologic Technology, Dongnam Health College)
  • 발행 : 2007.09.29


이 연구의 목적은 방사선과 학생들의 직업가치관 유형을 분석하여 그 특성을 규명하는데 있으며 전국에 소재한 7개 대학 방사선과 학생 791명을 대상으로 자료를 수집 분석하여 직업가치관 유형을 추출하고, 직업가치관 특성을 알아보기 위하여 관련 변인에 대한 차이를 검증하였다. 이 연구에서 얻어진 결론은 다음과 같다. 1. 방사선과 학생들의 외재적 직업가치관(지위, 경제적보상)은 내재적 직업가치관(사회기여, 성취, 능력, 직업흥미)보다 높게 나타났다. 2. 방사선과 학생들이 중요하게 생각하는 직업가치관 유형은 경제적 보상, 지위, 성취, 능력, 직업흥미, 사회기여 순으로 나타났다.

The objectives of this study were to identify the types of work values of radiological technology students and to verify the characteristics of them. The population of this study was the radiological technology students from 7 colleges randomly chosen in the whole country. data collected from 791 subjects were used. Types of work values were identified through the factor analysis and t-test between variables was used to determine the characteristics of the students. The research instrument used in this study was the Maryland Work Value Inventory(MWVI) designed by Meitus, R. The findings of this study were as follows ; 1. The types of work values of radiological technology students can be classified into 6 categories ; social contribution, achievement, capability, work interest, social status, economic reward. 2. Social contribution, achievement, capablity and work interest were classified as 'internal work values', while social status and economic reward as 'external work values'. 3. Work values of the radiological technology students were economic reward, social status, achievement, capablity, work interest, social contribution in order. 4. External work values of the radiological technology students got higher grade than internal work values.
