고구려와 중국의 무관(武冠) 비교 연구

A Comparative Study on Mu-Gwan(武冠) of Koguryo and China

  • 발행 : 2007.03.31


Mu-Guan(武冠) is a headgear of northern nomadic people's costume, Ho-Bok(胡服). It became a part of Chinese(中原) Costume through the adoption of Ho-Bok(胡服) by King Muryong(武寧王) of Kingdom of Cho(趙). Chinese(中原人) did not use it as the formal costume of high class but the Costume military or low-level classes because Chinese(中原人) reguad it as a practical costume only for low-level classes. In this process, Mu-Guan(武冠) and it's clothes had got changed. It became high in shape by an influence Hsien-pi(鮮卑族)'s headgear and became generous in it's going with clothes for Chinese(中原) Costume. It needs to attend that Mu-Guan(武冠) could be found in Koguryo(高句麗)'s mural paintings. Mu-Guan(武冠) of Koguryo(高句麗) had kept the same pattern from middle of 4C to late of 5C. Actually Koguryo(高句麗)'s Mu-Guan(武冠) was similar with Han(漢) dynasty's, but It was quite different from Qin(晉) or Wei(北魏) dynasty's which belong to same period with Koguryo(高句麗)'s. It is possible to guess at Koguryo(高句麗) advanced Mu-Guan(武冠) as their own. Koguryo(高句麗) could be aware of 'Changed Mu-Guan(武冠)'. Because there are frequent diplomatic event between Koguryo(高句麗) and Chiese Dynasties, Barbarian Dynasties. Moreover the guess have persuasion by the existence of 'Changed Mu-Guan(武冠)'in Jee-an(集安) district's mural painting as a Costume of holy person. In brief, It could be noticed that Koguryo(高句麗)'s Mu-Guan(武冠) is distinguished from Chinese and Barbarian dynasties' and Koguryo(高句麗) advanced Mu-Guan(武冠) in their own style.
