The Role of Intellectual Property Rights for Conserving Biological Diversity - Patent Law Treaty for Protecting Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge -

생물다양성보전을 위한 지적재산권의 역할 연구 - 유전자원과 전통지식 보호를 위한 특허법의 역할 중심으로 -

  • Kang, Gil-Mo (Policy Research Division, KORDI) ;
  • Yeom, Jae-Ho (Department of Public Administration, College of Political Science and Economics) ;
  • Doh, Seong-Jae (Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences, College of Science Korea University) ;
  • Lee, C. Mi-Jin (Policy Research Division, KORDI) ;
  • Kwon, Suk-Jae (Policy Research Division, KORDI)
  • 강길모 (한국해양연구원 정책연구실) ;
  • 염재호 (고려대학교 정경대학 행정학과) ;
  • 도성재 (고려대학교 이과대학 지구환경과학과) ;
  • 이미진 (한국해양연구원 정책연구실) ;
  • 권석재 (한국해양연구원 정책연구실)
  • Published : 2007.03.31


Recently, controversy over intellectual property rights for protecting genetic resources and traditional knowledge has been emerging. Very active debates and global discussions are being carried out in various international organizations for possible approaches to be taken for these properties, and for the fair and equal sharing of the benefits from these intellectual properties. There is a need to evaluate adopting a sui generis system which is being pushed by developing nations, or adopting a policy which will guaranteee benefit sharing such as sharing royalties from marketing final products, technical transfers, capacity building, and participating in research activities. Also, it is very important to examine the legal issues concerning genetic resources based on Convention on Biological Diversity for the fair and equal sharing of the benefits with developing nations, at the same time assuring developed nations of access to genetic resources.



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Cited by

  1. Traditional knowledge and the patent system: Two worlds apart? vol.33, pp.1, 2011,