Ubi-SERVQUAL을 활용한 시나리오상의 유비쿼터스 서비스 품질 평가

Applying Ubi-SERVQUAL to Assessing the Quality of Ubiquitous Service Scenarios

  • 발행 : 2007.03.31


Nowadays, ubiquitous computing services begin to be suggested from a few domains such as supply chain, logistics, and location-based services. However, to what extent the services will be successful is hard to be estimated, mainly because a sophisticated service evaluation method focusing on the ubiquitous computing perspective has not been supplied. Hence, this paper alms to build a model to assess the quality of ubiquitous computing service. To do so, an amended model, Ubi-SERVQUAL, is applied to assess the service quality mentioned in ubiquitous computing scenarios. According to the Ubi-SERVQUAL, we found that an actual service with higher quality should consider reliability. responsiveness, assurance and empathy in order to increase customer satisfaction, computer system's intimacy with users and trust.



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