대사성증후군 중재연구 논문 분석

The Analysis of Intervention Studies for Patients with Metabolic Syndrome

  • 오의금 (연세대학교 간호대학) ;
  • 김수현 (연세대학교 간호대학) ;
  • 현사생 (연세대학교 간호대학) ;
  • 강명숙 (연세대학교 간호대학) ;
  • 방소연 (연세대학교 간호대학 정책연구소)
  • 발행 : 2007.02.28


Purpose: This study was to analyze the trend of research on intervention for patients with metabolic syndrome. Method: Using Pubmed, Medline, and CINAHL search engines, a randomized controlled trial(RCT) researching titles such as 'metabolic syndrome', 'intervention', 'lifestyle modification', or 'community-based' were collected. A total of 16 researches were analyzed based on the guidelines of the National Cholesterol Education Program - Adult Treatment Panel(NCEP-ATP III). Results: 1) The total period of the intervention was from 12 to 24 weeks, the frequency was 3 to 5 times per week, and the duration of each session was from 45 to 60 minutes. The types of intervention included exercise, diet, and medication. Among these types, diet was performed most frequently. 2) The outcomes of the intervention was measured with physical aspects such as anthropometric measures, body composition, or biological markers. No studies have evaluated psychosocial outcomes such as quality of life. 3) In terms of effectiveness of the intervention, anthropometric indicators, body composition, or serological markers showed positive effects, whereas results on endothelial or urine indicators were inconsistent. Conclusion: Methodological research developing comprehensive therapeutic lifestyle modification programs and intervention studies are needed for patients with metabolic syndrome. In addition, effects should be evaluated with multidimensional perspectives.



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