어파인 변형과 교차참조점을 이용한 강인한 워터마킹 기법

A Robust Watermarking Technique Using Affine Transform and Cross-Reference Points

  • 이항찬 (한성대학 멀티미디어 공학과)
  • 발행 : 2007.03.01


In general, Harris detector is commonly used for finding salient points in watermarking systems using feature points. Harris detector is a kind of combined comer and edge detector which is based on neighboring image data distribution, therefore it has some limitation to find accurate salient points after watermark embedding or any kinds of digital attacks. In this paper, we have used cross reference points which use not data distribution but geometrical structure of a normalized image in order to avoid pointing error caused by the distortion of image data. After normalization, we find cross reference points and take inverse normalization of these points. Next, we construct a group of triangles using tessellation with inversely normalized cross reference points. The watermarks are affine transformed and transformed-watermarks are embedded into not normalized image but original one. Only locations of watermarks are determined on the normalized image. Therefore, we can reduce data loss of watermark which is caused by inverse normalization. As a result, we can detect watermarks with high correlation after several digital attacks.



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