The Significance of Participants' Role in Local Community Level for Making Livable City

"살고 싶은 도시만들기"를 위한 지역사회의 역할

  • 진미윤 (대한주택공사 주택도시연구원) ;
  • 이유미 (상명대학교 소비자주거학과) ;
  • 조인숙 (대학주택공사 혁신정책실)
  • Published : 2007.02.25


This paper attempts to solve the problems what is Making Livable City for and how to implement their scheme in the future. The purpose of this article is two. First, it is a examination of the background and main concept of Making Liviable City that was proposed last year end and compare with similar urban development strategies. Second, it is proposed direction and scheme that is workable to implement in local community level especially, throuth the participants' role for Making Livable City. It is concluded that is needed to develop indicator for Livable City, reinforcement of administrative capacity, formation of political mood for paticipation, and enactment of Act of Making Livable City. Impications are discussed for significance of mutual cooperative endeavour and partnerships between participants in decision-making.



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