A Study on the Welfare Service of the Elderly People for Aging in Place

Aging in Place를 위한 재가노인복지서비스에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2007.02.25


As the aging of this society, instead of growing numbers old protective functions of families decreased according to increasing tendency of nuclear families, increasing rates of females' participation of economic activities. Now, the problem of supporting the old is in need of social supporting system the cope with this situation. Thus it needs that welfare service for the elderly who stay at home that have local basis. The results are based on these factors are like this: 1) It is necessarily the instruction of medical welfare service. 2) The overlapped service is avoided and the service of specialized. 3) Most of the welfare service institution is Seoul and local city hall, so it needs the institution is transferred. 4) It needs the increase the number of home helper. 5) When the service is offered, the government must considers finance, elderly health condition and preference. 6) It needs the department for the welfare service for the old who stay at home.



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