건축분야에서의 스토리텔링 기법 활용방안 연구

A Research on the Uses of Storytelling Approach for Architecture

  • 발행 : 2007.02.25


Storytelling approach is the way to formulate and solve problems using stories. Story is a means to understand and react everyday life that can be regarded as multi-dimensional problems. The approach becomes popular in various fields in conjunction with digital technology. In particular, it is used to solve problems in relation to whole context. In design, storytelling approach is used to clarify design constraints. It can be used to clarify and communicate thoughts for design artifacts, and to understand how the artifacts might be used in particular circumstances. In particular, the approach is useful to use under uncertain circumstances. In architecture, storytelling approach can be used in the area of design generation, design critique and capturing design knowledge. In design generation, it can be used to describe and formulate design experiences rather than simple designing artifacts. The approach formalizes design based on stories of user experiences. Digital technology such as virtual reality can be used to experience designed spaces for design modifications. In design critique area, it can be used to fill uncertain facts for historical buildings as welt as different from present status. Such stories can be used to build digital modeling and used to open criticism. Stories can be used to formalize knowledge in architectural domain as a form of implicit knowledge for certain projects. In architecture, it often is required to design types of environment never experienced before as well as to accomodate fast changing technologies. Storytelling methodology can be used as a method to cope with uncertainty and complexity in design requirements along with accumulating design knowledge.



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