The Importance of Change Management after ERP Implementation: An Information Capability Perspective

ERP 도입이후 변화관리의 중요도에 대한 연구: 정보역량 관점에서

  • 이승창 (중소기업진흥공단 중소기업연수원) ;
  • 이호근 (연세대학교 경영대학)
  • Published : 2007.03.31


This research proposes a conceptual framework to highlight the importance of change management after firms implement ERP systems. With ERP, firms need to rework their business processes to make information flow smoothly within organizations. Firms cannot realize expected returns from ERP investments unless changes are effectively managed after ERP systems are put into operation. The research model is empirically tested using data collected from over 170 firms that had used ERP systems at least for more than one year. Our analysis reveals that the eventual success of ERP systems depends on effective change management after ERP implementation, supporting the existence of the 'valley of despair.



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