HQNO-sensitive NADH:Quinone Oxidoreductase of Bacillus cereus KCTC 3674

  • Kang, Ji-Won (Department of Microbiology, Changwon National University) ;
  • Kim, Young-Jae (Department of Microbiology, Changwon National University)
  • 발행 : 2007.01.31


The enzymatic properties of NADH:quinone oxidoreductase were examined in Triton X-100 extracts of Bacillus cereus membranes by using the artificial electron acceptors ubiquinone-1 and menadione. Membranes were prepared from B. cereus KCTC 3674 grown aerobically on a complex medium and oxidized with NADH exclusively, whereas deamino-NADH was determined to be poorly oxidized. The NADH oxidase activity was lost completely by solubilization of the membranes with Triton X-100. However, by using the artificial electron acceptors ubiquinone-1 and menadione, NADH oxidation could be observed. The activities of NADH:ubiquinone-1 and NADH:menadione oxidoreductase were enhanced approximately 8-fold and 4-fold, respectively, from the Triton X-100 extracted membranes. The maximum activity of FAD-dependent NADH:ubiquinone-1 oxidoreductase was obtained at about pH 6.0 in the presence of 0.1M NaCl, while the maximum activity of FAD-dependent NADH:menadione oxidoreductase was obtained at about pH 8.0 in the presence of 0.1M NaCl. The activities of the NADH:ubiquinone-1 and NADH:menadione oxidoreductase were very resistant to such respiratory chain inhibitors as rotenone, capsaicin, and $AgNO_3$, whereas these activities were sensitive to 2-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide (HQNO). Based on these results, we suggest that the aerobic respiratory chain-linked NADH oxidase system of B. cereus KCTC 3674 possesses an HQNO-sensitive NADH:quinone oxidoreductase that lacks an energy coupling site containing FAD as a cofactor.



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